Tuesday 29 November 2005

Spare Parts (2003)

On the same basis that I recently viewed two films from Sri Lanka, I sat through this effort from Slovenia -- and believe me, it was an effort.  I am always amazed that films can get released which have absolutely no justification for existing.  This one was about two loners who were engaged in smuggling refugees across the border into Italy.  If it was meant as an expose of unethical practices, it really didn't work.  One was only aware that they were happy enough to accept the money, but didn't really give a damn if their cargo made it or not, especially since the elder of the two announced that most of them would end up as prostitutes or body parts for transplants.  OK, one knows this sort of thing happens, but making a film about it will not make it stop.  It left a bitter taste which I suppose was the point of the exercise.

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