Saturday 5 November 2005

Hollywood Hong Kong (2001)

For those who think that Hong Kong movies are all about gangsters, lightning-fast kung-fu, or hopping vampires, think again.  The director here, the oddly-named Fruit Chan, makes art-house films that appear at festivals.  This one is, I suppose, meant as a black comedy, although it is more black than comedic.  We have a family of three obese males -- father, teenaged son and young son -- who are pig butchers; the mother has run away, but they do have a huge sow called Mama.  Next we have an internet junkie who lusts after a female he has seen on a porn site; when he meets her, he thinks she is the real thing, but turns out that she is in cahoots with a shady lawyer to extort money from him and others on the grounds that she is under-age.  She also seduces the older brother, but befriends the younger one.  We then meet a female mainland doctor who wants Mama to carry a human infant in the name of science and who has a side-line of sewing back chopped-off hands, even if they are not the correct ones.  All very strange.

The Hollywood of the title refers to some huge apartment towers which overlook the shantytown where the main characters dwell (and which will soon be torn down).  Hollywood taking over the world?


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