Wednesday 7 September 2005

Carnival of Souls (1961/2)

How does a movie that was made in 1961 by a director, Herk Harvey, who never made another feature (his career was in industrial and educational films) and starring an actress, Candace Hilligoss, who only appeared in one other film become a cult classic.  This movie never even had a New York theatrical release until 1989, but it is well-known and well-loved by horror buffs.

The story tells of our heroine who appeared to have drowned with her friends in a motor accident when her car fell off a bridge, but who subsequently rose from the waters to continue her life.  But is she alive?  Sometimes others can see her, but sometimes they can't.  And whose is the spooky face that appears behind the window or in the mirror?  This low-budget film is imaginatively shot and makes the most of its very limited resources.  Once seen it is not forgotten.  Incidentally do avoid the 1998 movie of the same title by Wes Craven; it's just not in the same league.

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