Wednesday 4 January 2006

King Kong (2005)

What a bum-numb-er...over three and a half hours with the ads and trailers, but an amazing and engaging film.  However I do think that somewhere in the three hour production there was an absolutely brilliant two hour movie struggling to get out.  Peter Jackson has wanted to make this film for so long that he can't bear to leave anything out -- too many CGI shots of 30s' New York, too long a prelude on the ship before Kong appears, too many monsters on Skull Island.  Clever as it all is, it is really a case where less might have been more; but don't get me wrong, I still loved it.

Jack Black and Adrien Brody do an OK job with the male leads, but neither can hold a candle to the luminescent Naomi Watts as the out-of-work actress and Kong's love interest.  She is beautiful in the role and the growing love and concern for Kong's fate is shown on her face every inch of the way; in the short term romantic lead Brody doesn't stand a chance.  In the same way that Andy Serkis brought the Gollum to life in the Lord of the Rings films, he has given Kong a range of expressions that are completely believable and one feels his obsession with Watts.  There is one immensely heavenly scene of the two of them sliding on the ice in Central Park that is guaranteed to bring a smile to the lips of the most hardened cynic. Not a perfect film then, but a terrific shot at one.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, and yet another remake......    

Did anyone say the word originality?

The other half saw it without me. And I'm not in a rush. Then on the other hand it was the master of the rings, so maybe.........

Anonymous said...

All this film does for me is remind me of how much I miss New Zealand.