Tuesday 24 January 2006

I Heart Huckabees (2004)

A stupid title and a stupid film.  It is possibly terminally unhip to admit that I hated this movie which some think a brilliant comedy examining the meaning of life.  Don't you believe it.  Of the seven main characters only Naomi Watts and Mark Wahlberg come off without seeming totally idiotic.  The biggest embarrassment is Isabelle Huppert slumming to play a rival "existential detective" to the only slightly less mind-boggling pair of Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin.  The lead is Jason Schwartzman who no one will ever convince me has a future in films and the other main lead, Jude Law, looked as if he would like to find a corner into which he could curl up and die.  I guess you can fool a lot of the people a lot of the time by claiming intellectual credentials, but in this instance I would suggest that it was a case of the emperor's new clothes. 

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