Monday 4 July 2005

Marci X (2003)

I knew that this film sat on a shelf for two years before its 2003 release and that it attracted some terrible reviews, so I wasn't exactly expecting high art.  In fact it is in excruciating taste but conversely it is in part extremely funny.  I can just about see it attracting some sort of perverse cult following in due course.

The lead is Lisa Kudrow playing a Jewish-American princess who gets involved with a dirty rapper played by Damon Wayans (one of the talented but interchangeable Wayans brothers).  Their nemesis is Christine Baranski playing an uptight senator.  All of them do a reasonable job in a movie that could actually have been a whole lot funnier and possibly marginally less offensive.

While I'm at it, let me comment on the ex-cast of friends.  I do not really believe that any of them can look forward to a lasting career in films.  They are beginning to show their age (certainly Miss K. did in this movie) and I personally do not feel that any one of them can carry a movie.  Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe I'm not. Yes, I know that Jennifer A. has had some indie success, but that's about it.

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