Monday 11 July 2005

Mad Max (1979)

It's hard to believe that this film is 26 years old but looking at Mel Gibson, one can see just how young he is.  One can also see the roots of his character in the Lethal Weapon series -- Mad Max relocated to the States.

I have never actually been that taken with this movie or with any of the films in the series, but I thought it was worth another look.  It's a nasty tale and one where revenge doesn't really make me feel any the better.  I can understand why it has its fans, I just can't bring myself to be numbered among them.


Anonymous said...

Shocked that it's that old......oh my gawd and I remember them.  Mel is an old time fave way back from one of his first films, Tim, I think it was. Mad Max was never a fave as a film but the Lethal Weapon ones, love those.  Yes he does look young and I need someone to ask him how he does it :) xxRache

Anonymous said...

You see this though and you can't help but remark on the waste of talent. There's such a good side to Mel Gibson - beyond Mad Max and Lethal Weapon. You don't see it often - Man without a face for instance. Braveheart and Ransom were almost good, but Signs? What a distaster. It seems like he tries to portray some pulp fiction character rather than trying to be himself. Always seems like a waste.