Monday 3 October 2005

The London Film Festival

Tommytickla asks about the above and the answer is yes, yes, yes, if you can get to London between 20 October and 3 November.  As a member of the British Film Institute, I have priority booking and have requested nine sets of tickets (not cheap); if my energy levels don't collapse, I will probably try to see a few more films on standby.  Of course reviews will follow in due course.  Tickets are now on sale generally.

The secret to me is to choose those movies which are unlikely to have a popular release in the next few months; in fact some will never be released in the UK, except on DVD (if then).  Unlike other festivals, the LFF is not about prizes or commercial considerations, but tries to cull the best films from festivals earlier in the calendar.  I have been a regular for some years and it is the highlight of my autumn.  Have a go!


Anonymous said...

Thanks!  Got the brochure today. Any reccommendations?

Anonymous said...

I'm going for two of the silents which may be sold out now since they are in the smallest of the three NFT theatres, the two Kitano Takeshi films although I believe that one of them is rather self-indulgent, the new Hal Hartley ("The Girl from Tomorrow"), the Hong Kong "Election", the Thai follow-up to "Tears of the Black Tiger" ("Citizen Dog"), Gael Garcia Bernal in "The King", and the French film "Lemming".
The ones I might try on matinee stand-by include "Mirrormask", "Sangre" and "Good Girl"; I may even try the more popular "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" and "The Brothers Grimm". But it's often a case of eyes being hungrier than stomach!