Saturday 1 October 2005

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

Another trip to the cinema but well worth the effort on this occasion, since the Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki is a bona fide genius -- and I don't use the word lightly.  Based on the children's book by a Welsh (!) writer, he has created a beautiful, painterly world of the imagination.  It's the story of a young girl transformed into an old crone and her love for the wizard Howl who has lost his heart (literally).  There is also a lovely bouncing scarecrow and an appealing Dougalish dog.  While perhaps just a smidgeon beneath his masterpiece ("Spirited Away"), this hand-drawn animation rivals the best of Disney's output and is so much more enchanting than even the best computer work.  It's nearly two hours long but I didn't struggle to read my watch in the dark to find out how the time was going, which for me is an indication of just how absorbing the film was.

Although I usually prefer to watch films in their original version, it was the English dub being shown and the voice talent (mainly British) was more than acceptable. 


Anonymous said...

From the previews I've seen it looks a lot like Bellville Rendezvous. Sounds like it needs to go on the must see list.

Anonymous said...

Think I would like to see this film as well, seen it advertized at one of the local flicks you make it sound like a watchable film.
