Sunday 9 July 2006

Wishful Thinking (1997)

Not all little-known films deserve their obscure status and can be a pleasant enough watch without one thinking "My goodness, why hasn't anyone heard of this movie!"  As a case in point, this is yet another pleasant diversion (like so many others) where A loves B who wants C who ends up with D and so forth.  The four main characters are played by Drew Barrymore, the high-yellow Jennifer Beals (sorry, I always think of her this way despite her seldom playing black), James LeGros, and Jon Stewart (who hosted the Oscars earlier this year) and pretty effective and believable they all are.  The main message is sort of verbalised by one of them towards the end of the film: if you strip away someone's weaknesses and insecurities, you find more weaknesses and insecurities; if you strip these away, you find something else; and at the bottom, you find that there is no bottom.  Interesting.

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