Monday 10 July 2006

Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959)

Now some people might try to tell you that the only reason for watching this Oirish whimsy is to see Sean Connery in a very early role, and in fact seeing him so young and so gormless does remain a curiosity.  He even sings as the handsome love interest!  However that is an insufficient motive.  The real joy of this movie -- and some people would rate it much higher than your author -- is in the good use of special effects in such an old film, as the eponymous old hero mixes with the wee leprechauns in his pursuit of their gold.  There are also  representations of a banshee and a death carriage in the sky which might be a little scary for the young ones, and they might have trouble too with some of the thick Irish accents.  But all in all it is an inoffensive Disney pleasure, and it is always good to see Estelle Winwood, who was working up to the day she died at a ripe-old 101. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darby O'Gill, I remember this one, it is good.  I like the leprechaun ones especially the Disney because you know it's gotta end nice ain't it.........or do you know otherwise :) Rache