Friday 21 July 2006

Outrageous Fortune (1987)

Shelley Long left the hit series "Cheers" convinced that a brilliant film career awaited her.  Well, she was wrong; she starred in a number of mildly amusing comedies like "The Money Pit" with Tom Hanks and a fair number of duds.  Lately she is back on television, where she started, without much to show for the interlude.  Having said that, however, I quite like this comedy which reverses the male buddy theme and teams Long with Bette Midler as chalk and cheese actresses who have both been intimate with phoney schoolteacher, Peter Coyote.  When he is purportedly killed in an explosion, each of them turns up at the morgue to view the remains and both realise that the body on display can not possibly be his (as it is insufficiently well-endowed!).  The hoity-toity Long teams up with the Mae West-like Midler to discover the truth and they are chased across the country by assorted police, FBI, and general baddies with agreeably comedic results.  They may each have lost a lover (and he was a no-goodnik anyhow), but they do learn the meaning of friendship.


Anonymous said...

Hello! Just a quick return visit to say thank you for the welcome.

I don't watch/go to see films very often (in fact I haven't seen one since January when the lastest HP film came out!), but perhaps you'll tempt me to see a few more :)

Anonymous said...

Nooo she didn't do well in the film industry, she never really lost that Cheers character she created, always the Miss Prim. Rache