Saturday 29 July 2006

The Amityville Horror (2005)

The original 1979 movie of this title was no great shakes, but for some inexplicable reason it must have been popular enough to explain away the numerous sequels that followed, which in no way justifies this so-called remake.  Even the original was proved not to be based on a true story, but a fabrication by the family behind the book, but the above film is still trying to hoodwink the audience into believing that the house in question was indeed possessed and the source of all the horrors experienced by its new residents.  Anyhow, all we get is a rehash of the many cheap horror effects from countless other forgettable movies and little in the way of genuine scares.  Ryan Reynolds makes a good fist of acting out the new husband and stepfather trying to make a go of protecting his family whilst falling more and more under the house's spell.  As Rhett Butler might have said, "Frankly, folks, I don't give a damn."  But don't think for a moment that we have seen the end of remakes of movies that should never have seen the light in the first place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The original was great when I was young - must be the simplicity. Definitely a film of it's time, and should stay that way. It was the first 'horror' film I found humourous instead of scary.