Saturday 8 July 2006

Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990)

Viggo Mortensen has some rather odd entries on his filmography before he struck gold with the LOTR trilogy, but I bet this is one movie that he keeps quiet about, especially since (Spoiler alert!) he plays one of the baddies, not that this information is likely to upset many people since the film was never released in the UK.  Its original US release was something of a failure since it was literally cut to ribbons to satisfy the ratings folk and it is only recently that one has been able to view the uncut version on DVD, although even here some of the worst violence has been trimmed.  While anything but a great film, it is of some interest in completing the original trilogy before the current round of  remakes, even if it is only one of the three not shot in Texas or directed by Tobe Hooper.  The lead female is one Kate Hodge in her film debut and she has not had much of a career outside television since.  However the movie does boast two pluses: a sharp script from horrormeister David J. Schow and a charismatic turn from Ken Foree (the black actor out of "Dawn of the Dead").  In fact the latter proved sufficiently popular to audiences that the ending was altered to allow him to survive, rather than to have his head sliced open by the family chainsaw; Nice!  My major complaint and one that is common to so many films of the 80s and 90s is that the many night scenes were dark enough to be almost unwatchable; I like to see my scares.

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