Thursday 23 March 2006

Untold Scandal (2003)

If you are familiar with any of the many versions of "Dangerous Liaisons", then you know the story of this Korean film which is based on the same material.  You might therefore ask 'Why remake it?' to which the answer is 'Why not!'.  The story is set in 18th Century Korea with lavish sets and costuming and a surprising amount of fairly strong sex.  However the exotic setting manages to add depth to the procedings to give the story an almost Shakespearian feeling of tragedy, aided by a group of charismatic actors who bring their strengths to the roles.  I found that I cared far more for the final fate of the various characters than I did in the earlier versions -- and if only one of the movies could survive, I would choose this one.  Mind you, anyone with subtitle-phobia, which includes a tragic share of the viewing public, would disagree with me.

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