Tuesday 7 March 2006

A Pure Formality (1994)

I knew virtually nothing about this film from "Cinema Paradiso" director, Giussepe Tornatore, before watching it and I'm still trying to come to grips with the sting in the tail (which I won't give away).  It's an oddity at any rate since although it is technically an Italian movie with an Italian director, crew and setting, the dialogue was in French by lead actors, Gerard Depardieu and Roman Polanski (who acts nearly as often as he directs); judging by the end credits, their voices were dubbed for the Italian release, but the copy I saw was in French with subtitles.  After Depardieu is arrested for wandering in heavy rain with no identification, he is taken to a police station where virtually all of the action takes place to be interrogated by Inspector Polanski.  Even when he is revealed to be a famous author, Polanski continues to hold him since his statements are contradictory and his behaviour erratic.  Besides there has been a recent murder nearby with which he may be involved.  Both actors give excellent performances and the dialogue is intelligent.  Depardieu at his chubbiest is not afraid to appear unattractive and unlikeable, and the denouement is unexpected, despite other movies with a similar twist.  I found the photography rather dark but it added to the claustrophobic atmosphere. The only negative: maybe it was a wee bit on the pretentious side.


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