Wednesday 1 March 2006

Ma Mere (2004)

I seriously considered saying nothing about this film, since although I sat through it, I really disliked it -- not that it was bad film-making, but because the storyline was singularly annoying.  I can face the breaking of taboos in pictures, but I do need to feel some sympathy for the characters.  Isabelle Huppert adds to her catalogue of strange women playing a wealthy married woman who choses the life of a prostitute.  She also has a definite yen for sex with her teenaged son.  The son in question is played by Louis Garrel who I also thoroughly disliked in "The Dreamers" recently.  To avoid any further unnatural coupling, she attempts to lead him into a life of sexual depravity with others in her circle, but ultimately can not resist his very dubious allure and she pays the price for this.  The last scene of his masturbating next to her dead body is seriously yucky.  Now I've saved you the trouble of watching this one, unless unsexy bodies turn you on.

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