Friday 26 August 2005

Take My Eyes (2003)

Like many of the films by Ken Loach, this Spanish movie is mainly "worthy" (there's that dreaded word again) insofar as it focuses on a social problem  -- the problem here is domestic abuse.  I'm sure there are as many battered wives in Spain as anywhere else, but I am not certain why a foreign audience would wish to view this film, however well-made it may be.  The picture opens with the heroine and her son having left the husband/father whom they still love because of his past behaviour.  He is in fact seeing a psychologist to try to control his irrational outbursts and manages to convince them to return home. Naturally the cruelty continues despite the husband's probably really loving his wife, until finally she leaves again with the promise of a new career as a museum docent.

The title does not refer to any physical harm to the wife but to the fact that she has pledged all parts of her body to her husband in the throes of lovemaking.  By the end of the film she has reclaimed her eyes and sees that the only future for her and her son is one apart.  Like I said above, all very worthy but not exactly entertaining.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I found your journal a few months ago, but had forgotten all about it. How terrible. So you're going to frightfest! How wonderful. It's moments like this I hate working at all the wrong times as I'll miss it all. Have to catch up on it here I guess. Enjoy.

I haven't seen Take My Eyes by the way, though it sounds like I should.

Anonymous said...

Have a good time Jp, not sure what  Frightfest is but my imagination is working so I've a good guess.  I enjoy reading your reviews.........most I've not seen but through them I'm able to pick out the ones to write on a list of 'to see'. xxRache

Anonymous said...

my first time on these boards,whats your favourite film ?