Friday 19 August 2005

The Cat in the Hat (2003)

I don't like to think of Dr. Seuss spinning in his grave, but he would be if presented with this abortion (that's the word that comes to mind).  The makers have taken a classic childrens' story and set it in a pastel world full of crudities and fart jokes.  All of the adults involved starting with Mike Myers and Kelly Preston should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves and stand in the corner; and as for Alec Baldwin, words fail me.  Who would believe that an able actor would so demean himself.

The two children are just about OK and I'll tell you a scary story.  I heard recently that the most successful actress in films today (based on the grosses) is Dakota Fanning, the little girl here.  I suppose the nearly 100 million dollars this movie took in the US alone contributed to this statistic. Now that IS scary.

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