Saturday 18 June 2005

50 First Dates (2004)

Adam Sandler -- dear dear dear.  The hero of immature boys does seem to be trying to smarten his act and this rom-com with Drew Barrymore is just about watchable and is even touching in part, as his love for her tries to overcome her daily loss of memory.  More's the pity that he maintains his loyalty to his mate Rob Schneider and tries to find a role for this singularly annoying and spectacularly untalented actor.  After "Punch-drunk Love" I felt that there might be some hope for Sandler, but this film is one step forward, two steps backward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen this one yet but I've seen many a trailer so I feel I've seen it.  I like a romance but I don't think it will hold my attention so I'll wait for winter to view it when you fancy an afternoon matinee.~xxR