Tuesday 24 October 2006

The Longest Yard (2005)

This vehicle for acquired taste Adam Sandler is a remake of the Burt Reynolds movie of the same name from 1974.  We can safely ignore the other recent remake called "The Mean Machine" starring that thespian great, Vinnie Jones.  All three films concern themselves with an ex-pro footballer, jailed for a minor offense, who is forced by the venal prison warden to form a football team to showcase against his crack team of prison officers.  Apart from the difficulty of picturing Sandler as any sort of football star, the film probably has enough funny bits to please both fans of Sandler and sports fans.  He gradually puts together a team of misfits who are attracted by the premise of being able to bash their sadistic guards.  When sidekick Chris Rock is murdered by the prison authorities, they try to frame Sandler to get him to make his team throw the big game.  You can guess which team wins in the end, and Sandler emerges as a better person, even with the threat of a longer prison sentence hanging over his head.  And it comes as no surprise that aging actor Reynolds has taken on a meaty role to prolong his now definitely defunct film career.  I think the word "mindless" best describes this farrago.

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