Monday 9 October 2006

Brain Damage (1988)

Many thanks to those of you who left birthday greetings, although thinking about it, I can't explain what made me announce this in the first place!  Sky last night had nothing new to help me celebrate, showing an interminable TV movie called "Category 7 - The End of the World" about severe weather conditions (unexplained) wreaking havoc on various landmarks and adding a totally unnecessary subplot about a religious fanatic planning the slaughter of the first-born.  Forget about it.

Instead I'll tell you about this weirdie which I rewatched a few days ago.  The second horror film from low-budget auteur Frank Henenlotter (who? you ask) who went on to make the Basket Case series and "Frankenhooker", it is really a lot of fun if you have no cultural hang-ups.  A puppet-like mobile spinal cord escapes from its elderly owners and ends up through the water system in an adjoining flat where it attaches itself to the neck of a young man.  In exchange for providing him with hallucinatory images, the boy's mobility allows the thingy to find new victims whose brains it can suck for sustenance.  What, you now ask, am I doing watching this sort of rubbish?  Well, it's all a matter of perspective and there are times when a dose of lowbrow amusement does set me up for more serious viewing.  So there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy B-Lated birthday!!! hugs,TerryAnn