Sunday 8 October 2006

Fantastic Four (2005)

Ho hum!  Another day, another set of super-heroes -- but don't expect me to remember these next week.  Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, and Michael Chiklis are exposed to radiation which affects their DNA (or something) and they can stretch, go invisible, become a fireball, or be a human Rocky (literally) respectively.  Big deal.  Neither terribly well done nor particularly interesting, I can see youngish men panting over the delectable Ms. Alba, but otherwise, forget it.  I now know -- yet again -- why I do not rely on current blockbusters for my entertainment, not that I suppose this one made much of an impact at the box office.  I don't suppose that this will prevent our being lumbered with a sequel in due course, more's the pity.


Anonymous said...

Hello Pat, Many happy returns, Malcolm.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday JP

Anonymous said...

well, then it is a celebration day... how many movies you have in stock for this birthday day?... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUU