Monday 24 April 2006

Jolson Sings Again (1949)

What they say about lightning not striking twice is probably true, but this sequel to "The Jolson Story" (probably the only sequel to a biopic in film history) was nearly as successful as the first movie, but to my mind much emptier.  Everyone concerned with the first movie is present and correct in the second with the exception of Jolson's love interest, now played as a down-home Arkansas nurse by Barbara Hale, who nursed the ailing Jolson when he broke down while entertaining the troops abroad.  This entry covers our Al as nearly the forgotten man, encouraged by his new wife, his old papa, and his faithful manager, until such time as the first movie came out and resurrected his popularity and his career.  However here we are given big chunks from the first film and the somewhat surreal spectacle of Larry Parks playing the older Jolson being introduced to the actor Larry Parks who will play the younger Jolson.  Try getting your head around that. The songs though are still something special in their old-time way.

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