Thursday 13 April 2006

The Interpreter (2005)

When this film was released the big news was that the director, Sydney Pollack, had received permission to actually film the story at the U.N. where it is set.  Well, big deal...this doesn't make it any better or any more believable.  The story concerns Nicole Kidman as a U.N. interpreter and among her many accomplishments is the ability to understand an obscure African dialect (spoken by about eight people!) in which she overhears a death threat to an about-to-visit head of state.  In comes Sean Penn as the State Department investigator who at first disbelieves her story.  Eventually he learns that some evil doings are afoot but also that Kidman has another agenda as well.  I can't say that I found the procedings particularly gripping and while both actors performed well enough, the overriding feeling was that this was only in pursuit of another paycheque (particularly for Penn).  At least the film had the good grace not to make them fall in love or seek a future together, despite the growing affection between them.

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