Saturday 24 June 2006

Les Espions (1957)

The French director Henri-Georges Clouzot made some classic movies such as "Wages of Fear" and Les Diaboliques" and I therefore had high hopes for this one, expecially after I noted the very international cast which included Peter Ustinov, Curt Jurgens, Sam Jaffe, and Martita Hunt.  The title translates as "Spies" and the plot concerns the director of a run-down clinic who is approached by an American agent to harbour an important scientist for a few days; he agrees to do so, tempted by the huge amount of money proffered, but the word is out and half the spies of Europe descend on the scene.  The fact that the "patient" is but a decoy doesn't end of nonsense of chasing across Europe to protect the real target, but it all ends up back at the clinic with the paranoid feeling that even sane men are insane in the modern world.  I kept watching, hoping for something special, but it was not to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my journal and leaving a comment. Wow, you do watch a lot of films! I have just been browsing through recent entries of yours. I couldn't possibly watch so many movies. I must admit, I only watch the odd DVD and usually the Hollywood blockbusters. But it is interesting to read your reviews. I will be visiting here again for guidance,