Monday 5 June 2006

A Lady Takes a Chance (1943)

Were it not for the star pairing of John Wayne and Jean Arthur, there would be little to say about this very slender love story, but their chemistry is such that we are left with a totally enjoyable eighty-odd minutes.  She plays a New Yorker on a bus trip out west (all in for $137.50!) partly to see the country and partly to get a break from her three suffocating and unsuitable suitors.  At a rodeo she meets cowboy Wayne who literally falls on top of her -- but she falls too.  The fact that he is something of a lady's man and a specialist in one-night stands doesn't make him any less attractive to her, against her better judgment, and she resolves to get her man despite nearly killing his horse by borrowing its blanket and despite feeding Wayne lamb chops which he doesn't like because he has never tasted them!  It's all kind of on that level, but so nicely played that we accept the unlikelihood of anything ultimately coming between these two charmers.  (Even an obnoxious tour guide played by Sid Silvers -- fortunately briefly -- can't kill the magic of the movies.)

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