Friday 30 June 2006

The Corpse Bride (2005)

I have a definite soft spot for director Tim Burton (if one ignores the exception that proves the rule with his "re-imagining" of 'Planet of the Apes' ) since I usually appreciate his gothic sensibilities.  I found this, his most recent stop-motion puppet film, a full-scale treat, although the thought did pass through my mind that it was hardly a suitable movie for children, which led me to wonder exactly who his proposed audience might be, since not all adults have a high tolerance for whimsy.  The film to a great extent not only celebrates death but drives home the message that it comes to all of us, as the hapless hero, voiced by Johnny Depp, inadvertently betroths himself to a dead Helena Bonham Carter.  The interesting riff is that the world of the dead is a colourful and musical place, whilst the upper world of the living is grisaille.  Apart from Depp who nowadays is an honorary European, the entire voice cast is British, and they all appear to be enjoying this slight diversion.  It's comforts me to know that in this increasingly uniform world that creative sparks still flourish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Beetlegeuce in a new light. Some people make stuff that lasts on your mind. He's definitely one. What a sense of humour he has.