Tuesday 28 November 2006

The Man (2005)

I had no great expectations for this film since Samuel L. Jackson tends to play the Samuel L. Jackson persona in every film and Eugene Levy seems to get less amusing with each movie.  I was therefore pleasantly surprised by what mindless fun it was -- and at roughly 80 minutes, it never overstayed its welcome.  Jackson plays a free-wheeling special agent out to avenge his partner's murder by finding a cache of stolen guns and Levy is the dental equipment salesman who is mistaken as the potential buyer by the (English) baddies.  Their chemistry together is surprising good as Levy moves from being Mr. Joe Schmo to being a take-charge character, while Jackson shows a broader string to his bow.  OK, it wasn't consistently hilarious by any means and did have its share of violence, but as an amusing if unmemorable outing, I have to give it high marks.

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