Monday 1 May 2006

Pocketful of Miracles (1961)

The last film by legendary director Frank Capra is a remake of his own 1933 movie "Lady for a Day", in itself something of a gem.  There were only a few mis-steps in his long career, despite being accused of too much schmaltz by snooty critics, but he made some of the most memorable films of the '30s and '40s -- doesn't everyone who has seen it (and perhaps only the youngest haven't) love "It's a Wonderful Life"?  While this picture may not number among his greatest, it is a genuine feel-gooder, helped by a superb cast.  The inimitable Bette Davis plays Apple Annie, a gin-sodden New York streetseller who is smartened up into a lady when her daughter (Ann-Margaret in her first role) arrives from Spain where she has been raised, with her noble boyfriend and his father the Count in tow.  It's more than an early makeover programme.  Assisting her are Glenn Ford as the local Mr. Big, Hope Lange as his girlfriend, and a wonderful cast of character actors among whom are Everett Edward Horton as a snooty butler  who's a sucker for fairytale endings and Thomas Mitchell (of "Stagecoach" and "Gone with the Wind" fame) who will pose as Bette's new husband.  In the end, all of the city lend a hand in the deception and every one of them feels the better person for having done so.  You'll feel better too after viewing this happy miracle.


Anonymous said...

    Hello ....  I saw you among 'Tommy's Picks' and I'm glad I wandered over and took a look.  Like you, my husband and I are film buffs.  I have to say that he is more obsessed than I am, as his contribution to decorating our home is to make it look more like a video rental store than anything else.  We like films of every genre ... If it's good, we are there.  I like alot of the foreign films you listed  ... it's always interesting to see life from the viewpoint of someone whose background is different than your own.  Anyway, I'm planning a return visit, to catch up on some of your reviews, and leave a comment here and there.  Nice to meet you !  Tina

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being a Guest Editor's Pick!
