Saturday 5 July 2008

How to Get Ahead in Advertising (1989)

I vaguely recalled my previous viewing of this movie some many years ago, but when I found a freebie DVD from a while back gathering dust, I decided that my recollection was hazy indeed.  While it is generally billed as a comedy, it is really something of a satire on consumer consumption and how the ad-men increasingly control our wants, needs, and life.  However there is a very bitter and black streak under the preposterous premise.

Written and directed by erstwhile actor Bruce Robinson, it is his follow-on film from British cult fave "Withnail and I" (1987), the semi-autobiographical tale of the drunken japes of two unemployed actors, which brought Richard E. Grant his subsequent career.  Grant takes the lead here again as a disillusioned advertising executive unable to come up with a good ploy to sell a new pimple cream.  As he begins to crack under the stress with increasingly outlandish behaviour, much to the concern of his lovely wife (Rachel Ward), they notice that a boil has erupted on his neck.  This quickly develops into the "head" of the title;  it talks advertising jargon, and soon takes over from Grant's original declining head.  For trivia addicts I should note that the boil is voiced by Robinson.  The new-headed Grant is the consumer's nightmare as he seeks initially to make boils and pimples glamourous and to ultimately, one feels, seek world dominance.  All in all this is a pretty far-out concept for a movie and it did little to further Robinson's career which continues to limp along.  However as the "Withnail" creator, he will always hold a hallowed place in many a student's heart. 

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