Friday 26 October 2007

EXTE -- hair extensions (2007)

Please remind me not to return to Japan in the immediate future.  We know now from recent J-horror movies that it is unsafe to watch videos or TV or to use a cell phone and that one must avoid wells and water, but now we are asked to fear the above beauty-parlour products as well!  The story runs that weirdie morgue attendant Ren Osugi has been stripping corpses of their luxuriant hair, but when he finds one whose hair continues to grow after death (and more copiously than you would believe), he steals the body for his home hair extension factory.  The trouble is that the corpse in question is so angry at the indignities done to her before her death (stealing organs and one of her eyes) that her hair is expressing her murderous rage and goes on a rampage whenever let loose.  This includes the unlucky wearers having hair grow across their eyeballs and on their tongue, before strangling others by its sheer volume.  I tell you, the Japanese lady sitting to my right had her eyes behind her hands for much of the film.  Truly a hair-raising experience!

Another trifle from my London Film Festival viewing was a French confection called "I always Wanted to be a Gangster" (2006) which tells five occasionally intersecting stories of would-be criminals and has-been hard men.  It was all terribly good-natured, amusing, and surreal, and was certainly a little different from your run-of-the-mill crime movie, especially since no major crimes actually took place amongst our feckless protagonists.

For any of you following my LFF viewing on Technorati, the entry I posted on October 20th covering "Eastern Promises" and Takeshi Kitano's "Glory to the Filmmaker" has disappeared completely after being indexed (and to add insult to injury none of my tags are working).  So if you want to see what should have been listed, please go through to my blog.


Anonymous said...

'none of my tags are working'

I hope you're not ripping your hair extensions out over it.....

Cell was cool actually. Retribution comes to naughty people in the end, yay.

Anonymous said...

EXTE scared the wig off my head - or it would have done if I wore one.   Yet another highly imaginative use of contemporary artefacts as scary and rather more explicit than the Ring trilogy but every bit as effective.
'I Always Wanted to be a Gangster' was something of a curate's egg, I thought.  
The kidnap episode fizzled out and the episode with two of the grand old men of
the French music scene (unknown to enyone outside France probably) was a bit of
a waste but the main story was a delight.

Anonymous said...

I've never been a big fan of Japanese horror movies.