Wednesday 13 September 2006

Si Que Di (Say I Do) (2004)

Returning to the vexed question of what strikes different folk as funny, I was completely knocked over by the silliness on display in this Spanish comedy and I must confess I enjoyed myself.  Yet it has a miserable viewer rating on IMDb.  The lovely Paz Vega is a would-be actress looking for a break on television and Santi Millan is a 35-year old cinema usher living at home with his mother.  Through a series of unlikely circumstances the pair ends up as contestants on a looking-for-romance reality programme, and her off-the-wall kookiness mixed with his get-me-out-of-here clumsiness endears them to the viewing audience.  They are then sent off on a luxury holiday for a week in the hope that they will return to marry on the show; there is a lot of money at stake, so they come to an uneasy truce.  A backfiring prank by the station forces them to go on the lam, before the inevitably happy conclusion.  I liked it.  Ms Vega is not only gorgeous to look at -- far more appealing than Penelope Cruz -- but has a vivacity and unselfconscious naturalness that is winning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both Paz Vega and Penelope Cruz have a feature that draws attention to them and
makes them desirable - no, not there..... I mean their eyes.