Wednesday 30 August 2006

Severance (2006)

Well folks, I didn't quite make it back on-line yesterday after the exhaustions of FrightFest (16 movies plus various shorts between Friday and Monday -- and I did actually skip an additional six); reports will follow over the next few days (I hope).  The jollities started on Thursday evening with a charity premiere for the above British flick which is now on general release.  Directed by Chris Smith whose "Creep" was a real nerve-jangler, this one is an uneasy mix of humour and serious gore which went down better with the younger fan-boys in the audience than with me.  Seven staff of a munitions company go on a team-building weekend in Romania and when their driver refuses to take the bus further on, they take to foot -- always a bad mistake in the dark woods.  There they find some murderous rebels seeking revenge (who these adversaries are and what they really want is unknown.)  One by one our stellar cast bites the dust in occasionally imaginative ways with various quips to lighten the procedings.  Toby Stephens, a fine actor who deserves better, is one of the early casualties.  Tim NcInnery of Blackadder fame is the team leader -- while he lasts.  The nominal hero is slacker Danny Dyer who hardly deserves to survive -- if I'd written the script, he'd be the first to go -- an annoying twit -- and if you hear that his last line is worthy of "Some Like it Hot", don't believe it!


Anonymous said...


I don't seem to have watched many of those movies you described... but I do love watching them... only one problem... I have a problem memorising names, I tend to focus too much on the plot :D
I have written some ides on Vanilla Sky and the series Lost in my journal. I would appreciate your thoughts - just go onto my previous entries
Good day

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon.....
Well i guess if i ever want to know about a movie Ill just have to ask you or should i say read your blog. Very interseting i might add take care and keep up the good work I now know what i would like to watch and what i would'nt

Anonymous said...

I love this movie and have added it to my collection.